ucretsiz surumun lideri comado is dir.Icinde internet sec+antivurus+savunma+ag duvari+windows duvari+oyun modu+sanal dns+ sandbox ve degisik modlari barindiran kasmayan parali olan surumlerden eksigi olmayan bir programdir.Kurdugunuzda ayarlar kismindaki ayarlari tiklarsaniz gelismis ozellikler acililir.Islemcisi ve sistemi kotu olan acmasin.Ayrica ubuntuda o vurus calismaz.Bende ubuntu kullandigima gore bu makinada antivuruse gerek yok.
bunda kisinti kasinti yok orjinal lisansli yani parali programlardan farksiz.
- Features
- Antivirus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Rootkit & Bot protection
- Defends your PC from Internet attacks
- Detects and eliminates viruses
- Prevents malware from being installed
- Auto Sandbox Technology™
- Easy to install, configure and use
- Free to both business and home users
- Price: 100% Free
- Antivirus: Tracks down and destroy any existing malware hiding in a PC.
- Anti-Spyware: Detects spyware threats and destroys each infection.
- Anti-Rootkit: Scans, detects & removes rootkits on your computer.
- Bot Protection: Prevents malicious software turning your PC into a zombie.
- Defense+: Protects critical system files and blocks malware before it installs.
- Auto Sandbox Technology™: Runs unknown files in an isolated environment where they can cause no damage.
- Memory Firewall: Cutting-edge protection against sophisticated buffer overflow attacks.
- Anti-Malware Kills malicious processes before they can do harm.
System Requirements:Windows 7 / Vista / XP SP2
152 MB RAM / 400 MB hard disk space