The issue with MaplestoryM Mesos these abilities is they don't provide incentive or an excess
obstacle all they do is waste time. At least with Damage Reflect, you've got to
pay attention to what's happening (though in some cases it lasts more than
necessary). Weapon Cancel does not cause you to interact more with the boss, it
enables you to stand in a place and do something else until the buff ends.
You are looking at it superficially and saying"you only wish to make
supervisors easier", whenever there are different ways Nexon can produce the
boss harder without a buff that simply wastes time; different/new debuffs,
reworks (see Chaos Zakum, which, while it will have cancel, is becoming far more
challenging than just sitting there and barraging it every 30 minutes ), and
revived attacks which were given to us in Unleashed (such as Cygnus).Best online shop to buy cheap Maplestory M Mesos for all servers on MMOGO.COM
There is a reason that newer supervisors do not utilize these debuffs (except
possibly reflection), and every one these managers are challenging in their own
ways that ordinarily don't just end up wasting time and making players do
anything else while they wait to get the weapon booster skills to end; in fact,
the majority of these boss fights discourage this. Has unique skills which
produce the fight without resorting to cancel more interesting, like decreasing
the poison or you it launches in the floor.
A buff that basically says"Hurdur you do 1 damage for 30 seconds" isn't
enticing or a real obstacle, it's a nuisance more than anything. Even Horntail
that is simple doesn't use it until quite low HP, and it just lasts for 10
seconds.As for the reasons why some people can be rushing, possibly the usage of
2x buffs, that lose a great deal of time due to cancel, and attempting to
complete bosses before reset (because of inconsistent schedules or protracted
maintenance times).
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