aygıt yoneticisini karıstırırken bir hata kodu buldum. koda gore microsoft sitesinde asagıdakileri buldum
The driver installation failed because a function driver was not specified for this device instance. This failure generates the following entries in the Setupapi.dev.log file.
!!! dvi: Error: No INF AddService directives contained the flag SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE
!!! dvi: Error while installing services.
!!! dvi: Error 0xe0000219: The installation failed because a function driver was not specified for this device instance.
!!! dvi: Cleaning up failed installation
dvi: {Install DEVICE exit (0xe0000219)}
!!! dvi: Cleaning up failed installation (e0000219)
!!! dvi: Error 0xe0000219: The installation failed because a function driver was not specified for this device instance.
dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICE - exit(0xe0000219)} 17:50:43.165
Ensure that all description of the AddService directive in the Services section (such as DDInstall.Services section) in the INF file is correct. And also ensure that the target of "Include" and "Needs" exists in Windows Vista.
For implementation details, see "INF AddService Directive" in the WDK documentation, available online at: