C ödev yardım lütfen

31-07-2011, 21:48   |  #1  
OP Taze Üye
Teşekkür Sayısı: 0
1 mesaj
Kayıt Tarihi:Kayıt: Tem 2011

Arkadaslar elimde cözemediğim ama hafta içine kadar cevaplarını bulmam gereken sorular var.Yardım edebilen arkadaslara cok teşekkür ederim...

1) Write a program in C to read set of numbers and store it on the dimensional arry and find out the largest and smallest number by using largest and smallest user defined function.

2) Write a program in C to read set of numbers and store it on the one-dimensional arry A,copy the elements in the on the arry B in the back directon and find the sum by using esur defined function rev_sum.

3) Write a program in 2x2 square matrix.Display its transpose by using transpose user defined function.The transpose of two dimensional array is a second array containing the same elements on the first,but which the rows became columns.

4) Write a complete C program to calculate the summation,product,average of five numbers and find the minimum,maximum and their indexes of them.You must store the numbers in an array and array size should be fixed to 5.Size must be passed through the function as the second argument.For each process you should use 8 functions;

#define size SIZE 5

int minimum_array(int[],int);
int maximum_array(int[],int);
int minimum_array_index( int[],int);
int maximum_array_index( int[],int);
int sum_array( int[],int);
int product_array( int[],int);
float average_array( int[],int);
void input_array( int[],int);

5) Write a program that calculates and prints the sum pf the integers from 1 to 10. You use while statement.

6) Write a C program that inputs 5 integer numbers as an array in main
--Write user define function that find sum and average of elements of the array and print them on the screen.

7) Write a C program that inputs 10 integer numbers as an array and than sorts the value into descending order and print the resulting array
-----Use function named "bublesort" this function will be used to pass the array to this function and compare the elements with each other and used to change the order of the elements if it is required.

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