COMODO Internet Security 3.9.73015.489 BETA

11-04-2009, 10:35   |  #1  
viking20 avatarı
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Teşekkür Sayısı: 141
7,681 mesaj
Kayıt Tarihi:Kayıt: May 2006

COMODO Internet Security 3.9.73015.489 BETA,(free),59.2MB
Homepage -
• Award-winning Firewall Protection
• AntiVirus Software
• Proactive Security
What is new in this 3.9.73015.489 BETA?
NEW! Multilingual Support: CIS now supports other languages
NEW! Stateful File Inspection for Realtime Virus Scanner
NEW! Integrated In Memory Virus Scanner(i.e. Integrated BOClean)
NEW! LivePCSupport is provided as a 30 Day Trial
IMPROVED! Default popup layout changed to the basic layout in order to encourage the use of it
IMPROVED! Stronger Defense+ protection: New types of defenses are added e.g. Clipboard logging, Keyboard input blocking etc.
IMPROVED! Keyboard and Screen access alerts are improved and number of false positives are reduced
IMPROVED! Stronger Defense+ protection while the Windows is Booting/Shutting down
IMPROVED! Stronger Default Firewall policy in order to better hide from attackers(Thanks to feedback from our forum moderator Ronny)
IMPROVED! Configuration Management window is changed
IMPROVED! Submission functionality for the Quarantined items added
FIXED! Defense+ BO protection incompatible with SpySwepper virus scanner.
FIXED! CIS blocks some application from being executed
FIXED! CIS does not detect some types of shellcodes upon a BO atack
FIXED! CIS errorneously reports BO attacks for some applications under certain circumstances
FIXED! CIS does not scan specially crafted RAR files(vulnerability reported by Thierry Zoller)
FIXED! CIS creates duplicate file name entries for some protected file access alerts
FIXED! Right click scanner reports "Antivirus Engine is not initialized"
FIXED! Threatcast registration does not work properly(This bug caused some users unable to see TC statistics)
FIXED! CIS occasionally crashes while submitting the files
FIXED! CIS firewall drivers sometimes can not be restored by the diagnostics utility
FIXED! CIS did not scan NTFS streams during manual scanning
Known Issues
* Translation process is not complete yet.
* There are redrawing issues in popups
* During the installation, LivePCSupport setup automatically launches Java VM setup
* 64 bit version does not apply some Defense+ hooks in this version (Keylogging, Screen capturing, windows messages)
32-bit Setup
64-bit Setup
trkç.açıklama için

Son Düzenleme: viking20 ~ 11 Nisan 2009 11:03
Kapalı Hesap (79876)
11-04-2009, 11:48   |  #2  
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Teşekkür Sayısı: 0
1,252 mesaj
Kayıt Tarihi:Kayıt: Tem 2008

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