PC da anlayamadığım yavaşlamalar..

28-06-2008, 02:48   |  #1  
OP Taze Üye
Teşekkür Sayısı: 0
12 mesaj
Kayıt Tarihi:Kayıt: Oca 2006

iyi günler,

Windows XP professional
intel pentium 4 3.00Ghz İşlemci
128 mb ekran kartı
1 GB ram
intel P4P 800X mainboard
40GB + 500GB(samsung)HDD
uc-logic grafik çizim tableti

özelliklerine sahip 3 yıllık PC'mde son 2 haftadır mavi sistem hatası ve restart sorunu yaşıyorum.500 GB+sata 2 bağlantılı hdd mi yeni aldım ve 40GB lik HDD ye işletim
sistemi kurdum.Pc yi yoğun bir şekilde Photoshop CS3 grafik-çizim uygulamaları için kullanıyorum.Fakat son bir kaç haftadır PS'de çalışırken restart verdi PC.Sistem ciddi bir hatadan kurtarıldı ve rapor olarakta HDD(40gb)sorunu gösterildi.

Normal windows ortamında mouse kursörü geç hareket ediyor,Pc kasılıyor ve çalan winamp müziklerinde hışırtı ve cazırtı geliyor.Müzik bile gecikiyor:)Photoshopu açtığımda tam bir felaket kursör aşırı şekilde geç hareket ediyor ve ara ara restart atıyor.

Muhtemelen 40 Gb lik işletim sistemi yüklü olan harddiskim ölmek üzere gibi.Yapabileceğim ne var bilmiyorum.Format attım bir keresinde düzeldi ama her defasında atmak istemiyorum İmaj alıyorum aynı sorun gene devam ediyor.Havaların sıcaklığı yada bir virüs olasılığı geliyor aklıma ama senelerdir böyle bir şey başıma gelmemişti.

Bilgilerniz dahilinde yardımcı olursanız çok sevinirim,kolay gelsin..

28-06-2008, 10:51   |  #2  
Reborn91 avatarı
Yıllanmış Üye
Teşekkür Sayısı: 2
3,307 mesaj
Kayıt Tarihi:Kayıt: Nis 2008

son 2 haftadır hava sıcaklıklarından olmasn..
speedfan adlı yazılımı yükleyerek sistem ısılarını bir kontrol edip buraya yaz bakalım normalmi değilmi :) sanırım ısı =)

28-06-2008, 13:04   |  #3  
Teşekkür Sayısı: 0
99 mesaj
Kayıt Tarihi:Kayıt: Haz 2007

HDD lerin 2 Tane Olmasından Kaynaklanan Bir Sorun Olabilir... SATA HDD leri Saglıklı Bir Şekilde Kullanmak İçin Raid Sürücüsünün Tanıtılmış Olması Gerekiyor Diye Biliyorum...

Ama Reborn91'inde Söylediği Gibi Hava Sıcaklıklarından da Olabilir.. Bir Süre Kasanın Kapaklarını Ac Ve Kasayı Hava Alan Bir Yere Koy. Fanlarını da Temizlemeyi Unutma...

28-06-2008, 17:42   |  #4  
OP Taze Üye
Teşekkür Sayısı: 0
12 mesaj
Kayıt Tarihi:Kayıt: Oca 2006

pc yi formatladım windowsu yeniden kurdum ve CD imde bulunan imageyi tekrar yükledim..Yavaşlama azaldı ama aynı sorun tekrar ediyor mu acaba derken o mavi ekran gene geldi ve yakaladım haayı..

KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE hatası..Muhtemelen Bad-Sectorden kaynaklanıyor,virüs olasılığı zayıf gibi.Ram'ıda yeni aldım ondanda kaynaklandığını sanmıyorum..

Bu durumda F-disk mi çekmemiz gerekiyor.Ayrıca raid olayınıda yapmadım nasıl yapılıyor bilmiyoum yardım için teşekkür ederim..

28-06-2008, 18:03   |  #5  
OP Taze Üye
Teşekkür Sayısı: 0
12 mesaj
Kayıt Tarihi:Kayıt: Oca 2006

evet evet sorun kesin harddiskte..İşletim sisteminin yüklü olduğu(C)40 Gb lik harddikte..Normalde windoesu klasik temada kullanıyorum yeniden açtığımda XP temasına dönüyor kendi kendine,kafayı yiyecem ramak kaldı..

Yeniden başlatırlen siyah ekranda epey bir bekliyor ve hata raporu sonucunda şunu verdi microsoft,harddiskim yaşlanmış öle diyo:)

Problem caused by a hard disk drive error

Windows was temporarily unable to read your hard disk drive. We do not know the exact cause of the problem. In most cases, this type of condition is momentary and does not indicate a serious problem, but sometimes it means that a hard disk is failing.

Common causes of this problem include:

Aging or failing hard disks. To prevent file corruption and data loss, we recommend that you back up all of your important files and folders immediately. See Step 1 in the Troubleshooting section below for more information.

Large file transfers from secondary media, such as an external hard drive, to a local hard drive.

Loss of power to a hard disk drive that causes inconsistent data sectors.

Hard drive slowness caused by disk-intensive processes such as antivirus scanners.

Recently installed hardware that might have compatibility and performance problems.



The following steps can help identify whether the cause of the problem is temporary or whether it is a more serious problem with your hard disk. Try the steps in the order given. If one step does not solve the problem, then move on to the next one.

Back up your files and folders to prevent potential data loss. Until you are sure that the cause of the problem is not your hard disk, doing a backup is a good place to start. Go online to the following article to learn how to backup your data:

How to Use the Backup Utility to Back Up Files and Folders in Windows XP Home Edition

You should back up your files and folders on a regular basis to protect your data from unexpected hardware problems. Also, when creating backups, it is helpful to use a portable storage device, such as an external hard disk, as the drive you save backups on. This is preferable to storing backups on a local, internal hard disk because it keeps this important recovery data separate from your computer.

Check to see if the problem is temporary by restarting your computer and repeating what you were doing when the error occurred. If the error persists, try the next step.

If the error occurred shortly after adding a new hardware device, the device, its driver, or related software might be causing the problem. First, install the latest updates on your computer (including hardware updates).

How do I download and install the latest updates for my computer?

Go online to download and install the recommended updates from Windows Update:

Click to go to the Windows Update website

To use Microsoft Update, you need the latest Microsoft Update software. If you have not installed the latest Microsoft Update software, you will be asked to upgrade and restart your computer before you can use the website. After restarting, go to the Microsoft Update website. Click Custom, select Software, Optional updates, and then install the updates.

Microsoft Update

If you recently added a new hardware device to your computer, go online to the manufacturer's website to see if a driver update is available.

If you recently added a new program to your computer, go online to the manufacturer's website to see if an update is available.

If this does not solve the problem, then remove the hardware device and check to see if the problem goes away.

Check your hard disk for errors.

Run the disk error-checking tool

You can help solve some computer problems and improve the performance of your computer by making sure that your hard disk has no errors.

Click Start, and then click My Computer.

Right-click the hard disk drive that you want to check, and then click Properties.

Click the Tools tab, and then, under Error-checking, click Check Now.

To automatically repair problems with files and folders that the scan detects, select Automatically fix file system errors. Otherwise, the disk check will report problems but not fix them.

To perform a thorough disk check, select Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors. This scan attempts to find and repair physical errors on the hard disk itself, and it can take much longer to complete.

To check for both file errors and physical errors, select both Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors.

Click Start.

Depending upon the size of your hard disk, this might take several minutes or longer. For best results, don't use your computer for any other tasks while it's checking for errors.

If you select Automatically fix file system errors for a disk that is in use (for example, the partition that contains Windows), you'll be prompted to reschedule the disk check for the next time you restart your computer.

For more information, go online to read the following article:

How to perform disk error checking in Windows XP

Check Event Viewer for disk errors

If the hard disk error-checking tool discovers bad sectors on your hard disk, it can often repair them. But sometimes, bad sectors indicate a critical mechanical problem with your hard disk that will require replacing it. Checking Event Viewer for drive-related errors is a good way to confirm whether drive replacement is necessary.

Follow these steps to check for disk errors:

Click Start, click Run, type EVENTVWR, and then click OK.

When Event Viewer displays, click System in the left pane.

Click the Date column heading to sort the event records by the day they occurred.

Scroll to the records that were logged around the time you experienced the blue screen error and double-click each applicable error to view its detail. If any of the log entries include "disk error," "Volume Manager error," "Container write error," or any other hard disk-related problem, it is likely that that your hard disk is failing and might need to be replaced.

Search Event Viewer for Event ID: 51 and Event ID: 55. If either of these error events are present, immediately back up your important files and folders because hard disk corruption or failure are strong possibilities.

What is Event ID: 51?

Event ID: 51 is a system error event that is triggered by failures to access or write to the paging file on your hard disk. Since your computer constantly relies on the paging file as a swap area for memory operations, any physical problems with the hard disk will generate numerous instances of Event ID: 51 in the System event log.

For more information on Event ID: 51, go online to the following Knowledge Base article:

KB244780: Information about event ID 51

What is Event ID: 55?

Event ID: 55 is an NTFS disk-related error event caused by file system structure corruption on your hard disk. Before concluding that the root cause is hard disk failure, try running the disk error-checking tool to check and repair any sectors on the disk that may be damaged. See Step 4 above for the procedure.

Clicking the Event ID column in the Event Viewer will sort the entries by Event ID, making it easier to find these specific error events if they are present.

Before replacing your hard disk, we strongly recommend that you first download and run any diagnostic tools that might be available on your hard disk manufacturer's web site. Often, these tools can provide a definitive answer about the condition of your hard disk.

If the previous steps did not solve the problem, have your computer checked for faulty or unplugged hard disk cables and connectors. We suggest contacting your computer’s original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for troubleshooting and repair recommendations.

Click to go online to see contact information for most computer manufacturers

28-06-2008, 18:13   |  #6  
OP Taze Üye
Teşekkür Sayısı: 0
12 mesaj
Kayıt Tarihi:Kayıt: Oca 2006

System harddikism C 40 gb(slave)
2.harddiskim D 500 gb (master)

hata kesin bundan kaynaklanıyor..Arkadaşlar bir el atın yahu hiç bu olaydan canı yanan yok mu:)

29-06-2008, 00:42   |  #7  
Yıllanmış Üye
Teşekkür Sayısı: 0
134 mesaj
Kayıt Tarihi:Kayıt: Haz 2008

uzun süredir format atmadıysan (kayıt defteri şişmiştir) ve c:/ sürücüsü dolduysa yavaşlayabilir